27 agosto 2021
The G20 Conference on women’s empowerment took place on the 26th of August 2021 in Santa Margherita Ligure. This was the first time that an event on women’s empowerment was organized in the G20 system, paying attention to the quality of women’s work, to policies to support their talents and leadership, to the definition and protection of their rights and to tackle gender-based violence.
The Conference was opened with the reading of the message of the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi and with the speech of the Italian Minister for equal opportunities and family, Elena Bonetti, followed by the reading of the message of the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, the interventions of the Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, Maria Edera Spadoni and of the European Commissioner for equality, Helena Dalli.
The Conference involved gender equality Ministers from the G20 countries and host countries, representatives of international organisations (UN Women, ILO, OECD), representatives of the business community, academia and civil society, who met to debate two specific areas:
Stem, financial and digital literacy, environment, and sustainability
Labour and economic empowerment and work-life balance
The Conference also hosted a specific meeting, convened by Minister Bonetti, attended by the Ministers responsible for Equal Opportunities, dedicated to the condition of women in Afghanistan.
At the end of the Conference Minister Bonetti circulated a Chair Statement that will be sent to the G20 Leaders.
The Chair’s Statement is available here.